I've been here a week.
I met so many amazing people, found many resources about subjects that interest me, made some friends, and found some of the most talented people on the whole world wide web. Steemit is the best and I am blown away by this community.
I found my home.
So we had some fun but this was exhausting, before I go crash I still have energy to dance a little bit so join me and let's go.
Audrey ? Something's wrong with your neck?
I ate too much cherry pie
good one.
I'm in!
Nice moves. I know I can count on you all the time. On top of the games as always.
Is this music something that you created?
OF COURSE!!! From the start all my posts, past and future = always original material created by me (or by me and my friends) always. I'm happy you are sharing your experience here with your homestead and I know I will learn a lot from you. Thank you for stopping by and did you dance?
Excellent!!! I did not dance no but I moved. I didn't move so much as to knock my laptop onto the ground though hahah.
:) don't break your laptop. I guess it's ok if you moved a little.
I just listened to another song on your page or whatever you call it on here. You are one bad ass guitar player dude. Wow!
Thank you. Really kind. I am happy we are connected so you can drop some knowledge and I'll do my best to entertain!
Sounds good!
oh yeah :)
did you dance ?
damn yes :)
Really glad you did!!!
Hey excellent 80's sound! Had me brake dancing while looking for my old fluorescent mirror shades - thanks!
Haha, I wish you filmed that. Yes I am always on the lookout for retro keyboard sounds.
Much love for Propellerhead's Reason! You're using a really old version though. I highly recommend upgrading to at least v6 if you can. The mixing board w/ssl modeled allows you to mix to a pro-sound level and external midi instruments are amazing if you have any hardware instruments.
Hi Papa! this is an old track, I work with pro tools mostly now.