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RE: I Released 2 Songs

in #music3 years ago

Well, I am without words - you're definitely a person of many talents. The compositions are somehow simple but partiqularly well-suited to the lyrics, the beats are not so intrusive, melodies and harmonies are placed accordingly. Having in mind your 2 previous songs, here you have managed to raise the level much higher - like multi-layered vocal lines and more sensical lyrics. You're going to the right direction developing a unique style. So you do everyting all-alone? The mixing and mastering are olso not unfammiliar to you :D. Good luck with all your creative endeavours! Godspeed!


First of all, thank you for the kind words! It really warms my heart. Secondly, I really try to improve as much as I can and do the songs I want. I still find it hard doing exactly the song I have in mind, I cannot do extremely complex songs, because I am not at that level yet, but I will get there someday. Thirdly, one of my goals is really to develop a unique style which is one of the hardest things to do. I do make everything myself, the music, the lyrics, and the art (even tho the art is nothing special, I tried to make it creative :D and I am nowhere near being good at photoshop), but a girl actually offered me to help me with the art for the next EP and to help me with other things, which I am not going to disclose as I want them to be a surprise :D. Things look promising and I am really looking into the potentially bright future ahead of me! I love your support, you have been following me for so long that I just want to say thank you and I really appreciate every like, comment, and share I have received from you! Good luck with everything you do in your life! Godspeed!

The design of the artwork is relatevly good, considering that the main purpose of the design is to be functional - to do the work. So you don't need to be pretty good with photoshop. I'm eagerly waiting for the next EP, and I like surprises too :D. Also good to hear that you found someone, who can help you with some work to be done. I will continue to support you, after all the honor is all mine.

P. S. About eleven years ago a friend of mine called me, and propose me to watch one of the few live preformances of his band. He was the guitarist of the band. And I had the chance to do it. The band, named Blind Chords was preforming in a small rock club in Varna. I had to pay tax for the entrance, it was about 3 or 4 levs (I don't remember exactly), but lucky for me I had the exact money in my wallet :D. I gave the money to the owner of the club, who was an middle-aged rocker with a jacket :D. I found a place to sit down. Then my frend came to me and we had a conversation about few things... He told me that his band will preform more in the future on some festival (but that never happend). He propose me a beer, but since I had no money, I told him, that I don't want to dring, then he gave me a bottle of beer on his expense. There were two bands preforming in the club in that time - my friend's band was secondary and another main band (which name I don't remember). The main band was preforming mostly covers, and Blind Chords has had 3 or 4 autors compositions, and 3 cover songs (that is all I recall). Some of them you can listen to here: - this was the demo version of the main song called "Drug Starvation" :D, and here: watch part of live preformance:

Sadly later on they disbanded, and in 2013 my friend passed away in a tragic accident... :( May his Soul rest in peace. Godspeed!

I am sorry I am replying 5 months later :D. I am sorry for your loss also, may he rest in peace.

I am always thankful for your support! You have always been here for me on this platform and I really appreciate it. Even tho I haven't been active much you are always supporting me! Thank you!

As for the band. I really enjoyed "Наркотичен глад" and the live performance! I love rock so much and I try to support local bands. Here in Ruse, we have a green rock fest every year and new and old bands are playing rock and metal mainly. I always go and it is so much fun! You should come one year! I really love also the classics as of Bulgarian bands and worldwide, and I have some recent bands which I really love also. But like from all the Bulgarian bands "Щурците" are the best, no one can beat them in my opinion!

Well, "better later, than never", I suppose. This is the only platfomr that I use regularly. I don't know wheter I'm going back to FB any time soon.
Oh, it's good to know that Ruse have rock/metal fest. I'm currently anchored in Varna, so it is doubtfull to have a chance doing a trip to Ruse. I have been in Ruse 3 times so far - the first one in 1996 :D, Then 2nd time in December 2017 - out of the border, 3rd - January 2018 back on the border. It is a relatively big city.
I don't have enough time to explore the net for new bands. My favorite bulgarian band is probably FSB ;)