Beethoven's Für Elise - Played on Beethoven's Piano

in #music7 years ago

Here is a real musical treat - one of the most recognisable and beloved pieces of music, played on Beethoven's very own piano.

As mentioned in the introduction, Beethoven received this piano in 1817 as a gift from its manufacturer, Thomas Broadwood of London, whom he met in Vienna in the summer of that year. Beethoven wanted to visit Britain in the later years of his life, but sadly he never made it due to his deteriorating health.

This performance is by the Austrian concert pianist Jörg Demus. It was a live recording of 1970 recital in Bonn, the town in Germany where Beethoven was born. The concert celebrated the 200th anniversary of Beethoven's birth.

The whole LP contains recordings of other Beethoven works on Beethoven's Graf piano. According to the uploader, it is not clear on the LP cover whether this piece is performed on the Graf piano or the Broadwood piano. However, I have a copy of Beethovens Klavier, which I bought as a souvenir on a visit to Beethoven's house in Bonn and features performances of the Op. 110 sonata and Op. 126 bagatelles on the Graf piano (also by Jörg Demus). I can say with absolute certainty that this performance is on the Broadwood piano.

Enjoy! :)


Hi William. I apologize for not to see you posting again. I saw you lost in real life. Please give me a note anywhere in the comment area of one of my postings next time, when I doesn't see you posting after two days! I want to give you my voices!

There's a fact: If you comment other authors, regarding the matter of their content, and not „Very nice“ or simliar phrases, people will be aware of your person. By this you are building a community for getting more votes.

Another fact: Im commenting now a posting, elder than 7 days. But we can vote for new comments in old postings. It counts! So please gimme an answer to this comment and I can vote you.

Additional fact: @double-u is providing a weekly post. There you can ask your questions (english or german, we don't mind) and you will get answers. Normally we are voting questions and answers. So please, be a part of our community and at least, try to make @dejagis posting, because I want to give her my votes too. She should start to comment!

Steem on, William!

Hi froggy, nice to hear from you!

Yes you are right - I definitely did get lost in real life. I've been working so much that I'm not left with much time or energy to switch on the computer. But for sure I will leave you a note when I've written something new.

I'll try to encourage @dejagis to post, but I think she is a little bit distracted at the moment. If she was as motivated to write in Steemit as she is to watch Game of Thrones, I think she could be very successful here ;-)

Thank you for answering, very busy Englishman. I'm so sorry that I've missed to vote and resteem your writings. Now, we could have gone already the next step forward to pimp you up. I want to have you in our voting circle. You belong to the family and are a native English. This would be an advantage for our voting community.

Okay William, next writing, next chance. You will not make a lot of STEEM from the scratch but I like to see you been build up by rewards. If you don't want to construct a lot of postings, nevertheless go on in commenting. If you are introduced well by your comments, your posts will be rewarded by more people. I invite you to comment here.

As you might investigate on the post, we are voting the most comments. At least the comments of our people, we like (doble-u and afrog). This page will be renewed every week. Just resteem it, vote for it and comment. @double-u and me will involve you into our circle. If you don't know what to comment, please ask questions, no matter what about. We will answer. But pleas, don't comment short phrases. Make it a little bit intelligent. Let's get pimped up with STEEM.

Game of Thrones is a stupid boring „always the same“. Dejagis should pay attention, that she don't get boring too by watching too much boring stuff. Tell her earning of STEEM is a very exciting exciting story for smart people.

Haha, sounds like a plan. I'll try to write and comment more. There's certainly much more motivation to do so when I know I can already count on a nice community out there. In fact, I already wrote a new post tonight about a little food experiment I made the other day.

I'll take a look at the thread - see you around