
Wow! Great post and thank you for sharing your music with us all! Looking forward to hearing it all over the course of the night.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Nice post, very interesting from the point of view of providing insight into an unusual profession.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoin through generating voluntary BOINC computations for science...

Love it man ...

Thanks for sharing this! It's so cool to get a little insight to one's past. As a musician, I can safely say it's something I will never regret doing. I've also got several friends who DJ (not members of Steemit) and they've tried retiring but it's a scratch they can't stop itching.

The dream would be to have a semi-public pool open-space to play in every afternoon til night :), been quite some time that I played in the clubs. simply prefer chilled out music for pool parties these days.. not many avenues to do it here though.

Sounding good, gonna load it up in my car :)

About 6 years ago, I found my ideal pool party along those same lines. A friend of mine in St. Louis, Missouri invited my fiance and I to an invite-only rooftop pool party. It was such a crazy experience to be able to swim in a pool, look around, and see the tops of huge buildings in downtown St. Louis.
10/10 Would do again.
Click here for the full photo album.

That's awesome! Love the pics and mix.

Thank you. :)

Great tunes and awesome story, I love EDM and used to be DJ during my student time? Long ago, miss it 👍😎🎹🔊

thank you

wow, nice thanks great blog

I am glad music seems in your blood, to me it is like being blind, I cannot understand music so never having experienced what others enjoy, I have no idea of what I am missing...

But like a blind person, you have no idea what you are missing but you are acutely aware you are missing something vital and good and important ...

Oh well, cannot help "tone-deaf" . . .

At least I am otherwise healthy...

cheers @ yah ;)