In a nutshell I need help to compose starting with a midi keyboard here remotely on zero budget and or IRL at home here in the UK beyond this stage i am unable to let out my full creativity far far far from it in fact barely at all, it's all bouncing around in there but there's no way to release it without now composing it all my self basically i am all bunged up and totally throttled by an inability to play keyboard/or any instrument with the added possibility of autism preventing it ever happening it may also provide a superantural ability to excel at some stage of repeating what i am taught and that would lead to something very special for sure but i am stuck in limbo now i will continue to produce but the rate of creation has hit substantially reduced times to release maybe days to weeks instead of my prior averages of from 30mins to 2.hrs average up to a prior max on average of up to 4.5hrs it's just put me in a situation I want to make my own sounds hand played remake eg. jaws properly re-invisioned darker and elemental, some kind of star wars duel of the fates rendition of my own composing and many more as well as obviously just entire sample packs with full melody in strings and ensembles etc that are totally new and unique and synths just open my mind and let it all pour out from song creations to sound packs to the masses with a uniquely different stand out style Hybrid Style Music sample packs entire archives of packs in time with consistant creation.
To a studio i'd be a gamble but if that gamble paid off i'd not disappoint i'd aim to make every song something special I mean an experience unforgotten ever.
The only way i could for-see that being a reality is if a movie sound studio of high standing would take me on by contract, and pay me a wage to move to there country for some time duration of training or better if they being close to my home enough so that i could learn under them, and once I get good I'd produce for them at home send the works to them for finalisation, the only thing between that being possible is anything like that i would take considerably more time to teach it, far surpassing anyone neuro-typical time to learn would be not definitive but almost certain there, it maybe might literally take me years apposed to months to understand a single part of tuition that takes a average person a few months could take say 3-5yrs at worst or i never fully adopt it but anything i gleen of it will 100% be special and an amazing piece comparitive to it's uniform norm, but man if i did click i got it and could then just make it I would give it everything I have sleep in that sound studio if i had to regularly to then go home when they woke me up but i would aim to impress you my self them everyone for the quality and creativity yeah a regular living nothing special is fine but just to truly make what i have always dreamed of making would be payment enough for me and to have every person amazed by every sound in everything built would be the biggest reward of all.
If you think this current Hybrid Style Music production I make sometimes seems WOW! at times then get me to a level of composing and I'll make every sound in every track make my self included go WOW!!
I'm commited to learning this way and being hands on baby shown slap my hands for getting it wrong and manually posisiton my hand and fingers on the keys of a keyboard if you have to, but the point is I can give and want to give so much more of an experience it's exceeeding my ability to make it now as samples drying up from over utilisation and if only I could just get my 49 key midi keyboard out and just play it making my own new synth in surge to play it with which i can and have already done to the best i can by compiling around 100 unique hand tailored sounds in two sample packs coming soon details to be provided once it goes live on my site
But it would be more appealing to be paid just right to live but to create without borders the intention that never really comes out of every song, for my own sense of yeah you made that right you gave it that wow factor for my self to feel yeah i did a good song the way it was supposed to be and for the public to have that experience as is and has been intended that it has been impossible to reach thus far without composing my self as samples are the best try but not the way it was meant to be composed and built i would then create for you guys and my self i want an experience for me and you to experience that same thing, money is second to that other than living without worrying it's all about making you guys and my self say oh yeah oh wow! i hope i can someday give you all that i do.
I don't want "Fortune And Glory" as Indiana Jones famously said I'm content with living as usual but creating something epic with every single production there isn't really a living well there is no living for almost every single producer or musician but what I'd be most content with is knowing that everything I make is something that surprises me and everyone who hears it and makes takes them through an experience in osund every time not just they listen to it and forget it once or it does not even remotely interest them there has to be a wow factor to every sound inside that track that just sucks my self in and the audience every time. It has to be epic period in every way with every single sound ideally all sounds hand tailored to it by your truly.
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Correct it uses none current hyper protocol security type but rest easy in the knowledge that it absolutely is a vanilla a site as it can get there is no collection of any kind of data i hate that so it's just NO! It's absolutely a valid and safe to use site it requires zero credentials and zero logins it has no cookies and it's all about music monetisation on the blockchain without bias and or affiliation, it's a labour of throwback 80s hand built love it's been active over a year now and it's got a small humble but absolutely real and valid unbias telegram community, it's for the artist by the artists with the artists in mind music fans and listeners of music all welcome there is no preference on user base criteria we are independent and technically none profit. I'm WIZARDZ music artists name @wizardzmusic on PeakD and Hive and it is my own home built creation.
It's basically a website listing multiple music playlists that are legal on youtube etc as well as video content with a unique approach to categorising it into moods eg. the abyss for deep see also we host videos on youtube in curated lists and android games and apps reviewed in short and so much more from live 24hr chat to vr nft gallery free to play you do not although can buy nft's in the vr gallery on opensea you are not required to pay and this is basically the sites model it's to inform musicians of where to earn on web2 and web3 music platforms in a single music earning page list and really it's a labour of love and a audio visual experience that's not biased to any single site it's free roam just click and play from specifically curated music and videos and android apps find music earning sites on the blockchain and on normal none blockchain websites etc there is no affiliation nor any favouritism it's not controlled juts a no cookies no data collecting entertainment and music earning list platform for music makers and listeners and 80s fans.
We basically do the leg work so you don't have to and we try to adopt an 80s aesthetic and rad-ness to it in the sites theme and artwork and genres of content.
The website is built with NicePage builder pro the mid level priced retail edition of the drag and drop website builder, it doesn't even contain the footer logo info that the free NicePage enforces.
It's a totally open and free to use site with no signup enjoy :) WIZARD