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RE: Līgo (Traditional Latvian Folk Song): NEW MUSIC VIDEO, celebration of Summer, Life, Lammas

in #music7 years ago

Awww are you Latvian? weee.... Well I love all folklore from all countries but I have a soft spot for traditional music, all across European countries. I am myself quite on the "go to the woods like an elf full time" LOL and when I joined steemit I immediately befriended Linda and we both talked about wearing garlands and the traditions of MidSummer. Then Lammas (Harvest) is all August and well been plotting this a while because it was her name day a few days ago.
So yes I have on my bucket list now a celebrating Ligo in Latvia one of these years :)

pd. expect the unexpected... see what little miracle has happened too with this post :)

Just one question, could you understand a word of what I say? I don't speak your language, so my excuses if I mispronounce it. Tried my best :)


Sorry, I forgot to mention - your Latvian pronunciation is spot on! That was one of the things that struck me most - it sounds as if this is performed by a Latvian folklore band and I love it all the more for it :)

Awww you just made my day... it was my biggest concern to mispronounce, because I have done it with utter respect. I fell in love with this song (and another one I found that I can't really make the words out so I may knock knock to you and Linda for assistance). Actually I do wear garlands and I've spend a few solstices soaking in freezing ponds and rivers, so I found sweet I was celebrating Ligo, just on my own anyway.