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RE: Duet with myself: Priscilla Hernandez - This Song (Acoustic version).

in #music7 years ago

I am not really a proficient piano player but I manage ti compose my own songs. I play many different instruments, none perfectly but it is the layering up that builds fully produced songs which sound different. 🍀❤️


I love how the instruments come together. I'm the same way, I love instruments but want to play so many that I don't exactly master one before moving on to another. Lol matter of fact your whistle playing inspired me to get a tin whistle and maybe the low d whistle if I get better haha. I think the fact you compose your own music though is what makes your playing proficient.

The layering is done very nicely, just like layering a painting really. If you take any talented artist and look at each individual layer they may not look the greatest, but when they're together the final product is the masterpiece! : ) Of course your voice could be by itself and still make a wonderful song :D

I played 15 instruments in my second album, and some songs have up to 100 tracks, so when facing to play that live I can´t I must translate into simpler things :), but as you say as they're my songs I can find a way to reinterpret them. My tin whistle is from Burke Whistle if you want a Low whistle they're among the best you can get. Susato make cheaper plastic one, they sound nice, but it´s not the same :). Hope you can go for one soon!