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RE: A Penny for Your Songs (1)

in #music6 years ago

They say with age comes wisdom! You should be about 70 by my estimation.
But yeah, jokes aside, you feel like time is passing and you have to take a stance, right? "might as well stay on the path I've chosen". I'll figure it out, no doubt. Me & Myself have been through worse!


Ha :))) I get that a lot, thanks.
Yeah, but I guess it really depends when this taking a stance happens, you know? I mean, at some point, it's getting pretty late, you're pushing the dusk of your life and the chances to radically change things are pretty slim. Easier to let sleeping dogs lie.
But sometimes, you could change something that's making you unhappy, you could change your whole life. And still, you don't. I think that mentality is understandable, but only after a certain age...

I'm sure you will :)