Nice recording! What do you use for video editing software and microphone?
It seems the best content is created by those with rep scores between 50 - 65. Not sure why higher rep content is no longer as good. Maybe after producing for a while one gets stale?
I used to be a Jazz guitarist back in the 1980's up until 1994 (SU Jazz Ensemble with Joe Riposo). I'm pretty sure Patrick is aware since he was at that house in Cumberland 10 years ago.
Haha he has told me about that! This recording was atrocious because it exported weird, so it sounds like I am underwater, but for most recordings I use our Sennheisser mic and record right into Sonar without any post edits. I use this camera that Chris recommended for Patrick because it records in HD, though kinda unnecessary for dtube considering it's only 480p. After that's all done I do all my editing in FCP.