I'd like your thoughts on ~ YouTube Views, Likes and Subscribers please!
This video only has 4 views and Zero likes, and that kind of makes me rethink my whole music marketing strategy, to which, I don't really have one yet for YouTube, per sè. 🤔
So, what are your thoughts on my little guitar video?
- Is it really that terrible?
- Is it in the wrong category?
- Is anyone actually seeing it?
I have so many questions on the way we, as humans, consume online content.
You can upload a 15 second video and get 1000s of views, then upload a decent guitar playing video and it gets 4?
I have no idea, so, any YouTube marketing experts that are reading this, are very welcome to comment below with strategic planning ideas for this musician!
Have a great day.
DC 🙏
#video #youtubemusic #youtubesubscribers #youtubeintro #musicmarketing
I think with Youtube it's like everything else. If you want to get views and likes you have to start networking. Of course, there are some "lucky guys", but ussually you have to make your part.
BTW I think you should better post your music content on Hive from the Music Community.
Thanks for your kind words and support.
You're welcome! 😉
Hey brother.
Don't fucking ask me. I'm still trying to figure it out myself.
Try teaching your techniques of recording/playing live/recording or a simplified music theory/technique for beginners. Metal songs in a major key? Rock covers of rap songs?
Also memes. There are many serious artists who gained attention by being memelords. My favorite from your neck of the woods is K Mac. He does things like Metal covers of songs like Hey Jude and shit like that.
Just my two pennies.
More importantly, though, I'm happy to see you're still around. You're one of the first dudes I followed and I continue to marvel at your determination and skill.
I think it already starts with what you stated: "I don't really have one yet for YouTube, per sè."
In this digital age, with so much music around the Internet, still a lot of artists paying others for marketing, one really need to take all the available and used business approaches to market you 'product'. Marketing you product, you can hire people for that, or you do it yourself. Regardless, it'll gonna cost money. When doing it yourself, you have to get yourself familiarise with the algorithms of YT. How do these work. You have to test various things. You have to spend money on promotions and figure out what works and what doesn't work. And as with any social media, you have to get active in engaging. I would say: Engaging with possible fans, not with other artists. Reaching from above ground level in the pyramid of music all by yourself, it'll gonna costs lots and lots of time, and some to more money. Ie, investments across the board.