I actually don't have the card yet (all I know about it is from the FAQ), though I assume it's like the Pizza Box, but for storing drunk fans instead of pizza. Since drunk fans wake up in 12 hours if not stored, it should be good to have some Risky Whiskeys to store the fans for later, for when you need to go on a mission but don't have the required number of fans.
According to the FAQ, the item is "infinite use" like the Pizza Box. When you use the stored fans in it, it'll be emptied and can be used to store fans again.
Ok Thanks. Then I just use it as soon its full
If it has 16 fans now it will only ever have 16 fans until you empty it. Then when it's empty it will be filled again with more temporary fans. You can choose to empty it at any time but it's best to do so (if you're wanting to increase your fans) when you are going to be playing for a decent amount of time as the fans last for 12 hours.
If you ego is high it's best to leave them in the bottle until you'be bought your ego down.
So I use the bottle in the Morning If I Should play a lot a day. Will try that. Thanks