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in #musicforlife4 years ago

haha it was an example, if people propose and vote for it, will be 100%. Tho i would recommend at least 1-5% of the VFT that is used for buying to be burned, otherwise mmm inflation haha and the idea is that this activity can have a impact on both VFT and VIBES e.e. But is just a suggestion, lets see first if people like the idea of governance.

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I think a small cut is fair lol it helps it develop

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I agree that it is 100% for the artist I think that with the commissions earned in VTFLAB it is enough to take part of the profit for the team, since you are giving the impression that you want to take advantage of everything, I think that is not what you preach On your YouTube channel, if you look at everything there is a part for development, heck in a matter of a year this should not be tribe number 2 but tribe number 1 with so much% that development is given participation, I think If you follow what you preach to add more value without expecting something in return, the growth will be exponential, it is like coming disguised as a sheep but with big fangs!

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The 100% was a joke on my part hence the ":P" after it. I am more than happy to pay a service that is doing something on my behalf to get my music out to more people. Hell Spotify take a massive cut and after 10,000s of streams I get virtually nothing.

I think that my comment should also be taken with little importance like yours, it was just a comment nothing more, I did not insist on hatred, contempt for the abandonment of the community and much less to raise a rebellion against the M4L community if you notice I have stayed out of the community because for now I have nothing good to contribute, as long as that does not happen I will be, now what is absurd to think is that I should suppress what I currently think for simple whims of @ al-gaming I understand and it is his community, as long as I stay out of the rules now, nothing should happen to pay special attention to him, but if you notice the way this character writes! LITTLE MISSING TO REMOVE THE BELT AND GET ME WITH IT, that speaks more about me than I am a simple user, you should not as a leader of a tribe use such a degrading language and less if you have a community behind, @ l- gaming without the support of its community and yours would not have gotten to where it is, which I think is great the fact that it is doing great, the ideas are great and the projects are undoubtedly promising, but the questionable here is the capacity So incredible to be a complete patan willing to run over anyone who thinks differently from him, what difference is there in that attitude and how petulant you can become the people who perhaps govern us, how I admire the way of being of #degranoengrano if you you fix your channel is 10 times bigger than that of #academialibertad that apparently the last word that refers to "freedom" is completely questionable with all this happening! and taking up the example of #degranoengrano from the years that I have been following him, I have never seen him attack one of his subscribers for any comment indicating whatever position is being discussed, I think that the focus always has to be the horizon to follow, this leaves a great presedent for anyone who thinks or creates something different to this autocrat of pseudonym @ al-gaming, I have a short time to kick me out when he should concentrate his focus on more important things in the projects that are behind him and which are being talked about in some publications In other tribes, I think it deserves more attention than a deadly and simple comment from me, more it denotes a revengeful attitude with disproportionate advantages towards something nonsensical than its attitude to ignore nonsensical things like a comment. I have taken the time to describe it in a single image and I will use it when I think it's necessary in any of my articles where I think it's necessary!

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en español

creo que mi comentario tambien debio tomarse con poco importancia como el tuyo, solo fue eso un comentario nada mas, no insite al odio al desprecio al abandono de la comunidad y mucho menos a levantar una revelion en contra de la comunidad de M4L si te fijas me he mantenido al margen de la comunidad porque por ahora no tengo nada bueno que aportar, mientras eso no suceda asi estare, ahora lo que si es absurdo pensar es que debo suprimir lo que en momento pienso por simples caprichos de @al-gaming entiendo y es su comunidad, mientras me mantenga ahora al margen de las reglas no deberia ocurrir nada de que prestarle atencion especial, pero si notas la manera como este personaje escribe! POCO LE FALTO PARA SACARSE LA CORREA Y DARME CON ELLA, eso habla mas de el que de mi que soy un simple usuario, tu no deberias como lider de una tribu utilizar un lenguaje tan denigrante y menos si tienes una comunidad detras, @l-gaming sin el apoyo de su comunidad y el tuyo no hubiera llegado a donde esta que me parece genial el hecho de que le este yendo de maravilla, las ideas son geniales y los proyectos sin duda alguna son prometedores, pero lo cuestionable aqui es la capacidad tan increible de ser un completo patan dispuesto a atropeyar a cualquiera que piense diferente a el, que diferencia hay en esa actitud y lo petulantes que puedes llegar a ser las personas que quizas nos gobiernan, como admiro la manera de ser de #degranoengrano si te fijas su canal es 10 veces mas grande que el de #academialibertad que por lo visto la ultima palabra que hace referencia a la "libertad " es completamente cuestionable con todo esto que esta sucediendo! y retomando el ejemplo de #degranoengrano de los años que llevo siguiendolo nunca he visto que arremeta contra uno de sus subscritores por algun comentario seal cual sea la posicion que se este discutiendo, creo que el enfoque siempre tiene que ser el horizonte a seguir, esto deja un gran presedente para todo aquel que piense o creo algo diferente a este autocrata de seudonimo @al-gaming poco falto para echarme cuando deberia concentrar su enfoque en cosas mas importantes en los proyectos que tiene atrazados y los cuales se esta hablando en algunas publicaciones en otras tribus, creo que eso merece mas atencion que un mortal y simple comentario de mi parte, mas denota una actitud revanchista con ventajas desproporcionadas hacia algo sin sentido que su actitud a hacer caso omiso a cosas sin sentido como un comentario. Me he tomado el tiempo de describirlo en una sola imagen y la usare cuando crea necesario en alguno de mis articulos en donde crea necesario!

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