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Hola mis queridos y apreciados lectores, espero se encuentren muy bien. Existen personas que poseen un talento innato, bien sea para cantar, bailar o hacer cualquier deporte, simplemente nacen con ese don que les obsequió Dios y que se les da con facilidad.
Hello my dear and appreciated readers, I hope you are very well. There are people who have an innate talent, whether it is to sing, dance or do any sport, they are simply born with that gift that God gave them and that is easily given to them.
Algunos tienen la facilidad de contar con familiares o conocidos que al ver su extraordinario talento les brindan el apoyo necesario para surgir en el mundo de la música, pero otros no corren con la misma suerte y deben participar en concursos o castings para poder demostrar su talento y de ésta manera poder llegar a ser artistas consagrados.
Some have the facility of having relatives or acquaintances who, seeing their extraordinary talent, provide them with the necessary support to emerge in the world of music, but others do not have the same luck and must participate in contests or castings in order to demonstrate their talent. and in this way to become established artists.
Tal es el caso de los siguientes niños que a mi parecer son unas estrellas escondidas, a los que sólo les hace falta pulir un poco para que lleguen muy lejos, a continuación les muestro 2 niños cuyas presentaciones han sido las mejores de todas a mi parecer
Such is the case of the following children who in my opinion are hidden stars, who only need to polish a little to get very far, below I show you 2 children whose presentations have been the best of all in my opinion
- Francer pazos
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A spectacular child who left the members of the jury speechless by singing too much like Nathalia Jimenez, interpreting one of the artist's most difficult songs and in an exceptional way, has a surprising voice.
- Christopher Rivera
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This young man showed that we should never give up, since in his second attempt at la voz kids he took nothing more and nothing less than first place, a beautiful boy with a unique charisma and talent, without any shame he captivated the jury with his occurrences to the point that it swept over.
Éstos niños son vivo ejemplo de que el que quiere puede y que si comenzamos desde pequeños a hacer lo que nos gusta y lo hacen de corazón podemos llegar a lograr grandes cosas en la vida, con perseverancia, constancia y dedicación todo es posible.
These children are a living example that the one who wants can and that if we start from a young age to do what we like and do it from the heart, we can achieve great things in life, with perseverance, perseverance and dedication, everything is possible.
Queridos amigos, espero mi publicación les haya gustado, gracias por su atención, hasta una próxima oportunidad.
Dear friends, I hope you liked my publication, thank you for your attention, until the next opportunity.
El texto fué traducido por google traductor
The text was translated by google translator
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