Anytime you feel so lonely, rejected and sad. Music can drive you to Someone(God) who's ready to carry your burdens..
Matt 11:28 come unto me all ye that are heavenly laden and i will give u rest
Music is the act of Combining sound or Tone for Reproduction, by Voice or Various kinds of musical instrument, Rhythmically, Melodically and Harmonically Form so as to Affect the Emotion either to God or the Man.
Both ministrations are from the Spirit.
2kings 3:15![IMG_20180322_023019.jpg]To me Music is the act of Combining sound or Tone for Reproduction, by Voice or Various kinds of musical instrument, Rhythmically, Melodically and Harmonically Form so as to Affect the Emotion either to God or the Man.
Both ministrations are from the Spirit of God 2Kings 3:15