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RE: Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)

in #musicmonday7 years ago

Superb tune that one you chose, also I had never heard it before. You know me and giving value for money, so my oldie though goldie is a full on 43 mins and 39 seconds long - Thick as a brick.


Hey my friend, I am going to listen to this .. but I know the album pretty well so I'm going to comment beforehand. I think many forget just how good Tull could be and this is a great album .. Ian Anderson was/is an amazing writer, and what stage presence .. heavy horses is a great album as well. So many great tracks to choose from! Excellent stuff my friend, I'm going to enjoy this trip down memory lane!!

I had the original vinyl when I was around 17, in 83 and it had a newspaper in the middle of it, that folded out to the size of the times newspaper, the stories in it were ridiculous and fun to read as I remember, though it all seems so long ago, and I was smoking cannabis like it was food at the time, so it may not have been so funny after all, it seemed like it then though. :-)

Haha man .. great stuff!! Do you still have the album and paper? .. It could be worth some money these days.

Sadly no, though I can buy it here fairly cheap, as you know already I do collect vinyl, in the winter, when I get snowed in or it is cold and I do not feel like venturing into the fields.

My older brother had me listening to Aqualung when I was about eight. : ) Great to hear this again.

:-) most welcome.