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RE: Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)

in #musicmonday7 years ago

This is great for when you need something to listen to but don't want to get distracted. And in general Nora En Pure tends to have this ability with most of her tracks and mixes. Enjoy!

Coincidentally I get a similar feeling when listening to the track that you provided.


Hey my friend,

Funnily enough, I was going to share a dance track but decided to hold it back for another week so this is a very welcome surprise . I couldn't listen last night as my wi-i was down but it's certainly put a spring in my step this lunch time .. brilliant choice and just what I needed to take mind of work nearly 3.30 minutes of dance induced bliss! Thank you for the music @hrissm

She also has a podcast which features an almost hour long mix of similar sounds. That’s comes out in either weekly or monthly intervals. It’s called Nora en pure - purified radio.