Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)

The aim is simple, to banish those Monday blues with an eclectic range of music chosen by Steemit friends both old and new.

Music Monday.jpg

Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Steemians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture it’s true essence.

As more Steemians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the amount of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.

Hey I hope everyone has enjoyed a great weekend! My choice this week is fast cars by Aesop Rock. I'n a world of ego centric hip-hop vanity projects I find Aesop's multi-layered and inventive lyricism to be a breath of fresh air. A breath of fresh air backed up by funky beats and a brilliant video. I hope you enjoy

This isn't about making me Steem so please save your upvotes and reward the songs that you feel are worthy, although equally if my song stands out to you then I'd appreciate the vote. Any resteems would be much appreciated, all are invited and welcomed to join us in sharing and listening to a diverse range of music.


Written by perceptualflaws
Song: Fast Cars
Band: Aesop Rock
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

Many thanks for taking the time and consideration to read this post. Any upvotes, follows and resteems are greatly appreciated. Follow @perceptualflaws

I'm proud to be both a member and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - brought to you by the hard work of: @aggroed, @teamsteem, @canadian-coconut and @ausbitbank, discord channel:



Monday comes around quick my man.
Back to the only band who ever really got their message across.
This was the fuck you to the establishment.
Rage Against the Machine with a underplayed classic.....
Sleep now in the fire.

Fucking Awesome!

Hey my friend,

Another brilliant and inspired choice, where are all the bands like this when you need them? It's sad to see so much music drawn into the mainstream and having their messages watered down. One things for sure, these guys never watered down any messages! With screaming guitars and vocals laced with venom they hit it full throttle!! Speaking of guitars I'm loving the work on this, especially towards the end. Another excellent track, thank you for the music @tremendospercy

oh I love this track :) and few others from ratm

Every time I find myself feeling anxious or overwhelmed, this song starts to go through my head. : ) Take it easy, Steemians!

vid is blocked in the states.. but I love this song

Thanks for letting me know. Let's try this one.

Fantastic choice! Thanks for sharing!

Hey @kittyandcheese thank you for this inspired choice, I love this track!! So many amazing summertime memories tied up in this song that it can never help but raise a big smile. The Eagles represent perhaps the last of the true supergroups .. what lives these guys must have led!! Thanks again my friend, I really enjoyed this.

Hail Mary by Tupac / Makaveli.
(Lyrics NSFW.)
Gangster Rap

Inspired by the hip hop theme of the song you posted. With reference to the style, lyrics and meaningfulness (or lack there of) in modern hip hop.

If you can listen beyond the vulgarity and rawness of some of the lyrics, there are potential lessons that can be heard and interpreted from them. And if you don’t agree, it’s at the very least an interesting and potentially different perspective on life.

This is in addition to the actual musical arrangement itself which is vastly different from the hip hop and rap from recent years.

The video has the entire album on it but the link directs you straight to the beginning of the song mentioned above.

Also used this track as a thematic or “mental shortcut” link in one of my recent posts. So for me personally this song is trending.

Hey my friend, I love Tupac and it's been a while since I listened so I really enjoyed this. I've listened to hip hop since about 1988 and gangster rap played a pretty big part in that so I'm used to the lyrics lol I think that Pac was one of the most inventive and genuinely interesting rappers out there and this is a great track!! .. I jumped over to youtube to listen to the track and will kick back with the album a bit later on. Thank you for the music @hrissm

Digenis - the byzantine border guard

FYI some more music from the other night... inspired by you, thanks!


I’m from the east coast so naturally I was first exposed to Biggie but I have to admit I prefer Pac.

I'm used to the lyrics lol

Haha yeah I was just making a general statement to inform anyone who might not have been prepared for it.

I jumped over to youtube to listen to the track and will kick back with the album a bit later on

Awesome, hope you enjoy(ed) it.

I have a rather broad and diverse taste in music, so I’ll definitely be coming back here to share more music that I’m sure (almost) no one will have heard before!

Gary Numan and Tubeway Army - Are Friends Electric - 1979

Numan's early music changed my perception of everything. Way ahead of his time!

Hey my friend .. so ahead of his time and still recording/playing, a true musical pioneer .. how often can you say that these days??!! There has never really been anything like this either before or since, a true visionary and by all acounts top bloke! Thank you for the excellent music @sequentialvibe

I sincerely thank you for this great idea. One of my favourites so far on Steem. I will be here next Monday for sure!! Music means a lot to me and I can see it does to you!

music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder

So true, everybody likes different stuff! I, like you, have a really wide range. My favorite genre is whatever sounds good haha.

Here's my entry: Foy Vance - She Burns

Hey, thank you for his beautiful track @jakeybrown equally loving the stealth bass line that kicks in and out. Perfect track to kick back to and simply let it take you away with it's soothing sounds and vibe. Thank you for the music my friend.

Hey my friend, sorry I missed this yesterday. Excellent stuff!! I really enjoyed this .. completely new to me and a testament to why I started #musicmonday .. Really enjoyed this track, beautifully profound plus Alan Watts!! What's not to love .. thank you for sharing

I really like this one song. The title is United. Sung by a group of cross-continental musicians who are members of a music project called Playing for Change. United's song lyrics campaign for equality, social unity, anti-racist. In addition to its evocative lyrics, the music mix is ​​a most monumental achievement. Traditional musical instruments from certain countries combined with the rhythms of modern musical instruments really become a very nice mixture of heard. In addition to the vocal color that puts the ethnic nuances from which the vocalist originated. This is the song that keeps me excited to start every Monday monday.

Hey my friend, sorry but I must have missed this yesterday .. what a great track! It just takes you away on a river of hopes and dreams .. hope that the future could indeed be different. Thank you for the music, I really enjoyed this.

Not sure as you are 7 years younger than me, if you know this band, take a listen to the lyrics my friend, the band is The The .

Hey my friend, yes I know the band and the song .. but I was too young to absorb it's meaning. Great track and brilliantly timeless lyrics .. indeed each generation since appears to become a litte more beaten :( I wonder when the collective will realise they are punchdrunk on propaganda. Thank you for the music @deliberator

Wow goosebumps! No intro from you @patriciora and none needed .. the song speaks for itself and what a rendition!! She's still got it my friend!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful and inspired choice.

Fab choice - beautiful singer - love Tracy Chapman:)

OK Go "The One Moment"

I really like this band, the one that got me interested is when they took out their latest video clip entitled "The One Moment". This excellent cinematography makes me want to make also videos like them. It's a beautiful editing and video is perfect. All of their creative clip videos make people think how to make them.

Hey my friend thank you for choosing such a great track!! I bet they must have had a lot of fun making the video!! Although I guess it must have been filmed in one take. Excellent choice and definitely one for my playlist. Thank you for the music @alphaindonesia

I remember when this came out in 1981 and it blew my mind.
Peace to you my friends

Great choice my friend, some of these experimental first forays into the world of electronic music are simply magical. Perfectly capturing the moment, our first tentative steps into a brave new era. Yet another inspired choice @onetruebrother thank you for the music!!

Hey my friend, hope you're well? Excellent choice!! I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan and you're right it really did take me away! What beautiful cascading river of music, it just washes over you and takes you with it .. and then, wow I'm loving the guitar work on this!! The two styles blend together perfectly! Thank you for this inspired choice @peterloupelis

Dude. If you haven’t heard any Porcupine Tree/Steven Wilson, you have to listen to more of it!!!!!!!
He is seriously the hardest working man in Rock at present, recording, collaborating, producing, and remixing/remastering a tonne of old classics!!

And as for musicianship.... 😱😱😱

I think I’m going to do a write-up on Deadwing (album) for the next Pete’s Picks articles.

Thinking also of doing an artist spotlight for the same series - and possibly start with Wilson.

Thank you for the heads up, I will be sure to dive head first into their/his back catalogue!

I would be interested in reading your write up, let me know when you've done it as it's so difficult to keep up with everyones work on here.

This morning I heard an old song belonging to The Killer band entitled "Human". I really like the music and the lyrics. After listening to the song, I like to meet the vocalist of The Killers, Brandon Flowers. He seemed to be asking questions, seeking answers to the concept of life. "Are you human or are we dancer?". Although the lyrics were confusing, it made me want to dance after hearing the music. I like to be more excited.

Hey my friend thank you for sharing this great track!! It put a real spring in my step this morning. Definitely some interesting questions being asked here and he's a great lyricist. Thank you for sharing your music @suhiel

yes, he is a great lyricist. full of literature. Thank you again @perceptualflaws

MGMT - Time To Pretend

I am amazed this band didn't make it bigger! One of my favourite songs.

Hey my friend @waterloolaw .. what a great choice!! Yes I thought they were on the cusp of something really big and then they just seemed to slip away. Probably more a testament to the fickle nature of modern audiences than anything else, it certainly wasn't through lack of talent. Thanks for this inspired choice of music.

yeah, loved these guys, electric feel was my fav :)

This song is belogs to J. Geils Band, titled "Cemterfold". I really like this song, maybe I will often play in my bedroom for a week. Actually, this is classic song, has been popular since I was not born. The band is one of the big rock bands from America, formed in 1968, in Worcester, Massachusetts. The genre of music played by the band is blues music that influenced the R&B genre, during the 1970s. J. Geils Band achieved commercial success in the early 1980s.

Hope you also like this song as I've liked it...

Hey my friend, thank you for sharing this great track .. I haven't heard this in years and I have so many good memories of my youth tied up in this track. You just can't help but be in a good mood after listening to this, it has such a good vibe and energy. Thank you for the music @rial17

Yup! You're always welcome my friend @perceptualflaws have a nice day man! :)

That was a very interesting choice. Need to listen again to get the lyrics clear, but definitely fresh!
I have chosen a song that has never really left me. It certainly contributed to my thinking about our journey.

Thank you my friend, Some of his tracks are multi-layered lyrical genius. And thank you for your choice!! I'm a huge fan of this genre and there were parts of this that reminded me of Traffic? Really enjoyed the beats and psychedelic overtones on this. A brilliant choice, that is destined for my playlist!! Thank you for the music @ricia

Great, glad you appreciated it. Yeah Traffic were another great band. So many in those days to choose from. Hope you enjoyed @elohprojects art link too .

I really liked that video, very well done :)
Here is another awesome vid, and song, hope you enjoy!

Great video concept and loved the sound @amymya - you always find something totally different :)

its so good isn't it! the vid is just stellar, The creator makes all kinds of awesome and horrifying stuff :)

Thank you @amymya I'm glad you enjoyed. And as for your great choice .. excellent 80s style synth with modern production values .. I love it!! The song and the video hold so many memories for me .. I'm a huge film fan and I'm trying to remember where some of these sounds are taken from .. oh well I will have to listen again! lol An inspired choice my friend

Loved your Fast Cars, unusual and uplifting :)

Came across this today. More pure energy than just music.

Thank you my friend, I'm really glad you liked it. I have never heard this rendition before and I must say what a powerful choice this is! You can feel his pain and sorrow in each word and yet he manages to turn his pain into something profoundly beautiful .. what a gift! Thank you for sharing @crossroad

Enjoykin-is the nickname of the popular Russian video blogger, creating original music viral videos. For those who are not very aware of the issue, we are talking about commercials that in a short time gaining millions of views and take root among the large population. Our hero has a few videos, record-breaking and really glorified nick Enjoykin. Who is it, knows almost every Russian-speaking user "YouTube". Even if you think that you first hear this name, it does not mean that his video you have never seen, most likely, quite the contrary, viewed them more than once.

He's a funny guy, lol

I agree, I like it too!

Haha well that certainly put a different and brighter spin on my day .. hilarious!! lol Loving his facial expressions!! lol Thank you for sharing @grisotti

Got here just in time :)

My (late) pick for the week

I love this music platform to showcase the songs that inspires us..nice job @perpetual flows..

I'm really like music by pink floyd, especially this title (Dark Side Moon). Music from pink floyd can sometimes be a bedtime friend. I am very impressed with his musical composition.

Hey my friend, Sorry but I've only just noticed this! I absolutely love Pink Floyd and this song is simply timeless. Great choice!

Its okay. Thank you bro!

Yeah I know, time keeps on slipping into the future ;) Good to see you here.

better late than never :) thanks again for the reminder

@ricia thank you for reminding us that we missed the music monday post.

I can get with this, here are 3 gifts of my favorite things other people have created and one of mine:

performed video at bottom of the lyrics:

(btw unfortunately I have had to learn that @v4vapid is a disinfo agent, part of some russian troll farm with disobedient media and 'the conscious resistance' operating in some kind of shill farm, plz beware.)

What a brilliant and diverse range of choices you've made here .. I really enjoyed listening to all of them! I must say that I listened to your track and I thought it was excellent! great lyrics and you're clearly very talented!! Thank you for the music.

I know that within the "truth" space trust can be a rare commodity, but In regards to @v4vapid I will say I have to disagree on that point, he has really helped me find my voice on here and enabled my work and ideas to find a wider audience. I think his missing children posts were particularly excellent and very close to the mark. I don't really know disobedient media or the work they do so I can't comment on them .. but I think V is a genuine guy that's trying to make a difference.

Unfortunately, he reveals his true stripes with his resteeming of disobedient media, whose founder was on the front page of zerohedge today trying to divert attention from trump's imminent legal troubles. And to say that there was no russian interference in american politics when it is simply a fact that there has been. Very deceptive, very manipulative, and extremely evasive when directly questioned about it.

I too was originally impressed with him, but when he ignored my privacy workshop while he resteemed fairly obvious disinfo, it became quite obvious. There is a nest of them also who act like a gang, and as soon as I asked them questions about their work, they personally attacked me and flagged my posts asking questions.

I do not joke about infiltration and disinformation. They do.