
Hey dude, great track! Not heard of these guys before .. but I like what I'm hearing, nice sounds! Difficult to pigeonhole or work out here it's going next .. and all the better for it :) Excellent choice this week mate .. thank you for the music, these guys are great musicians and I'll enjoy looking into their back catalogue. :)

You noticed how this place, this site is going so downhill yet? I guess you did from that last post you did, I am seriously thinking to check out of here, it is turning into facebook, but with only 30 people.

Yeah, it's been down at heel recently .. but you know all it takes is that one killer Dapp and then "this time next year we'll be millionaires" lol .. where have I heard that before?! :D But yeah, there is a lot of crap being thrown around, but there are also some great people on here and that is what brings me back .. I guess we shall see how it all plays out.

Hanging in by my fingertips, not sure the place is worth fighting for, not sure it ever will be, very grateful for the support, via you and v4, the rest though? Oh boy.