Unfortunately I forgot yesterday to keep on with the #musicwaybackchallenge, so today there are just two titles today! There's not much to say, my musical punk phase has simply continued and what should not be missing under any circumstances is the title of today! A little beer, a little groveling and a little skateboarding around!
Leider hab ich Gestern vergessen die #musicwaybackchallenge weiter zu fürhren, daher gibts heute einfach direkt zwei Titel heute! Viel Text dazu gibts gar nicht, meine musikalische Punkphase hat sich einfach weiter fortgeführt und was auf keinen Fall fehlen darf ist der Titel von Heute! Ein bisschen Bier ein bisschen Gröhlen und ein bisschen mit dem Skateboard durch die Gegend fahren!
Rulez Rulez Rulez
Choose one song from your high-school/college years.
Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (Was it a breakup song? You blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.
Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
Mention one person who should do this on each day.
Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
LalalalalalalaLalalala! Ja das warten noch Zeiten...Hatte die CD.