Hello darlings
Can we do a throwback Monday? Why not.
So I've been following the #musicfromwaybackchallenge from @illuminatus blog and it has been interesting for real, reminding us about those songs we used to be crazy about so i nominated myself to take on the challenge. It was started by @dimistrip and its so much fun.
So I'll get on to my song.
Who remembers WeirdMc???
Awwwn, the ijoya crooner.
Where is she now sef?
Let's go back in time
So what was it about this song for me?
The video, the animation, the beat and omg it was so much fun.
Let's sing along
Its time to show the beautiful people how we get down
It's time to show the beautiful people how we get down...
Awa ma ni jo.
We also did a remix back then in Primary school.
Its them to show the lazy students how to solve maths.
Its time to show the lazy students how to solve maths
And multiplication....
That was so much fun.
I nominated my shuga baby plum berry @jeline to join in the fun.
There how we do it
[1] Choose one song from your high-school/college years.
[2] Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (was it a breakup song? you blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
[3] Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.
[4] Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
[5] Mention one person who should do this on each day.
[6] Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post [7] Follow @greek-trail for great content made by our fellow Greeks!
Lyrics lori gon-gon,shola loni gon gon,oya ijoya!
Wow really nice...
Awa la ni kinni....
Awa la ni ijo
Song is so funny
I love this song till date. Weird MC. It's a pity she just fell off the surface if the earth. Nice selection @vheobong
Thanks babe
The dance step was Peng...
Weird MC. 🤣 Cool song she had.
Lol, mehn those days
Hahahaha, this is so crazy and interesting too.
The sweet names turning my belle😋
Challenge accepted sweet darl