The guy who likes games where you make a story go forward. So inevitably ... The Sims.
I spent hundreds of hours there.
Already, to build houses crazy. In fact, no, not houses, palaces. Here is my latest creation: a Renaissance castle with its French garden overlooking the lake.
With its own ice cream gallery, a huge library in the east wing, a ballroom ... I spent a few nights customizing each element of the decor to reproduce 18th century furniture.
Then I create my Sims, I make stories. When I say that I make stories, it is because I put them in certain situations, I take pictures, I write the legends and put them end to end, it is the novel of their life full of dramas orchestrated by me.
King of Condé, master of the castle and ruler of Montevista, asks Lucie, a commoner, in marriage.
And of course, I tested a lot of challenges found on the forums:
Serial Killer Challenge: Create a diabolical Sims, lure other Sims to his home, lock them in a cellar: watch the evil Sims rejoice in their cries of suffering until they die.
Challenge Generation: Create a couple and continue the story until the tenth generation.
Challenge Henry VIII: super complicated this one, it is necessary to reproduce the history of Tudor.
One man, 100 Kids challenge: One Man, 100 Kids Challenge
SDF challenge: you create a family of Sims, but you put them on an empty ground. They have to go out to take showers at the others, sleep on the benches ...
Mod The Sims - Sims 3 Challenges lists a few hundred in the genre. I love those where you have to recreate stories, like Henry VIII above, but also Little Women, Twilight, Romeo and Juliet, Les Misérables ...
Well, I also burned incredible time on Assassin's Creed 1, 2 & 3, and Skyrim. Assassin's Creed 3 and Skyrim I will never finish seeing that I just lost all my backups for the second time - Xbox died - and I do not feel like starting over again. Grrr. I'll play Sims again.