
When you feel anger begins to take over, just by trying to relax you can divert various negative feelings. This does not mean that you have to ignore your feelings, but take a step back and look at the situation.

Can your anger be justified? Give yourself time to feel hurt, frustrated or upset, but don't let those feelings control you. The following are simple steps that you can practice everyday to deal with anger:

  • Slowly breathe.
  • Imagine a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Relaxation exercises, such as yoga poses.

After some time, the steps become an automatic reaction, and you don't even have to think about doing these steps when facing your anger. The way to reduce anger is as follows:

1. empathize

Don't let your source of anger control you. If someone makes you angry, try to look at the situation from his perspective. Seeing things from a different perspective may be easier to understand the situation, and maybe a reasonable reason can help you calm down.

2. Exercise

Physical activity is the best way to reduce feelings of anger. This gives you the opportunity to focus your mind on something else and after your body works hard you will tend to be obsessed with anger. Strong activities like running and kickboxing are healthy ways to release the angry energy that has been built. Follow your intense exercise portion with something soothing, like meditation or yoga, to help you relax.

3. Don't Get Rid of Anger

Take action to correct the situation as soon as you feel disturbed, so that feelings of anger do not build up. Talk to the waiter if you feel unhappy with your food. Talk to your partner if he doesn't do the homework he promises.

4. Communicate

When you are forced to speak, use the word "I" instead of attacking and criticizing others. Try saying "I feel frustrated when you say you will do something and then not do it" instead of saying "you are very lazy. You have never done anything here. "

5. Don't Release Anger

You may feel better, but the person affected by anger, sure feels uncomfortable. Look for others to let go of anger, such as writing in a journal, or writing angry letters that are not planned to be sent to achieve feelings of freedom, certainly better.

6. Proactive

Don't expect other people to read your mind or know what you want. Talk to yourself. Learn honestly with yourself and others about what you want and need on a daily basis.

7. Think about being overwhelmed first

Use anger energy to get something strategic. This will be very good especially at work. Think carefully before you express anger at your boss or coworkers but to spur strategic change rather than talking about your feelings in a professional context.

Set aside a few moments to write and think about the feelings of others who might be the target of your anger. Sometimes we express anger when we feel hurt and dissatisfied. Try to dive in and express feelings deeper.

Personally I rarely get angry now, I used to but I have changed my approach when dealing with situations. I deal with anger by simply not caring about things that I cant change or things that are not worth expending my energy changing. Also when dealing with individuals who make you angry then it is a lot more powerful to laugh at them and if they decide to get physical then let your anger out. However never be the aggressor.

I don't get angry very often, as it seems pointless. I get annoyed by other people that get angry but I don't think that's the same as being angry. Unfortunately, I do snap if pushed too far but no sensible person would do that and I can't be blamed for the consequences :)

It's very unfortunate to say this but I do have slight Anger Issues and I have failed at a lot of things because of that. The one and only method that I found for myself to calm myself down is to just walk out and breathe deeply for a Minute, so that I can calm my Anger.

Anger is an expression to show that someone isn't satisfied with something. Usually we all humans as well as animals have this feeling. I was a very angry bird in my school days, then I gradually realised that anger doesn't make any profits. But I didn't find any button to stop it & still I feel angry sometimes.

Now, what I do to calm down? Generally I use to sleep to maintain my anger, sometimes I listen songs.

But experts suggest some process to maintain anger. Such as :

Counting numbers : If you're feeling angry and wanna calm down soon then start counting number as per contra. It'll shift your concentration from the anger.

Go for a walk : It's also a good process to calm down your anger, whenever you feel anger just go for a walk to a cool place, better if you walk in a big garden.

Another good therapies are meditation, dance, eat your favorite food, visualise some positive thoughts atc. atc.. Overall, if you wanna calm down you have shift away from the object/subject that made you anger.

I usually deal with anger by being silent, then I would go for a walk, then when I am alone these will be the time where I would definitely shout with all my might. Punch the wall and release my anger.

I feel more relieved by punching the wall than punching the person I was being angry at

but I guess this would be depend on the situation

I usually do these things when I was the main topic of the fight, but if ever that I see a my friend (definitely a girl) crying for some reasons I usually can't hold my temper and doesn't find the a wall to throw a punch

I definitely find that person and personally throw a punch

I guess this thinking was because I don't have a sister to protect, I only treat my friends as my precious sisters and I definitely don't want them to get hurt