
It did cross my mind until 5 years ago when my home province was struck with a 7.2 magnitude earthquake and had to experience almost all of those stuffs you listed above. 

Fortunately the buildings in our town where left undamaged but the power plant supplying electricity to the whole province was badly damaged. Since the parts needed where mostly custom-made and are very expensive, they don't have any backup parts in case of emergencies like these (or so they said). Added with the cable lines in the whole province being messed up, it took almost 3 months to get the electricity back up again.

Anyway, many people here wants to experience living life away from modern stuffs and technologies we are now used to,, but truth be told it isn't that great. Having no access to the internet equals limited source of information which we badly needed at that time, no "comfy stuffs" like AC is just unbearable in a hot country. I could probably live without a phone or SMS but no. After having experienced all those things, it never once again crossed my mind to live away from modern life. I love living life in comfort. :)

I see your point. Thanks for the reply.

@Acesontop YES! A resounding yes.

I used to tell my friends that I wished I was back in the Victorian era with no smartphones, where people will dip their quills in ink and write long meaningful letters to each other. 

But going back to your question about living in a cabin away from the modern life, it has crossed my mind most particularly after reading some parts of Walden, the seminal work of Henry David Thoreau.

Modern life with all its conveniences and technology has not only quickened the pace of living, but has also inevitably made life more complicated. Hence, the appeal of a cabin lifestyle, besides the intimacy with nature, is its simplicity. 

 One quote that struck me from Walden: "Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth."  


But even if we don't live a cabin life in accordance to the natural rhythm of the seasons, we can strive to live a simple life right where we are, even in the heart of a bustling city (for me, that's Singapore).


Yes, the thought has crossed my mind more than once. In fact it is one of my more prominent day dreams that also have a hint of reality in them :-) Although I wouldn't call it a day dream, since I not only have the inclination of doing so but I am also completely capable of doing something like this.

In the spirit of being truthful, I will also admit that the thought of doing so permanently is not what I want. To be able live without the privilege of modern technology and other creature comforts is something that I only want to do as a 'part time' thing. The idea is to detach myself sufficiently from this modern world to be able to see the bigger picture. My idea is not that of 'abstinence' from it.

I remember that one of the first times that this kind of thought occurred to me was during my university days and I wanted to do it so that I maybe able understand this world better and also be able to appreciate the gifts and comforts that I have and not take them for granted....