These suggestions should definitely get somehow to the musing dev/s. I had some of them also in my mind but you came with a lot more. I am confident that musing will only get better but it takes time to perfect. It's great though that we at least know what we want.
Well, I appreciate that. My guess is, most of these changes listed would be considered minor, but could be done as a gesture of good will. Coming up with a sustainable income strategy, though, one that brings engagement and thus users with SP to the platform, that more or less curate themselves, will probably be a bigger proposition. We'll see how that goes.
>I sometimes write an answer and push submit and nothing. I then have to copy and paste the answer again after refreshing. It can take 5 or 6 attempts to post an answer.
Try to use another browser. Maybe it will work better.
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These suggestions should definitely get somehow to the musing dev/s. I had some of them also in my mind but you came with a lot more. I am confident that musing will only get better but it takes time to perfect. It's great though that we at least know what we want.
Well, I appreciate that. My guess is, most of these changes listed would be considered minor, but could be done as a gesture of good will. Coming up with a sustainable income strategy, though, one that brings engagement and thus users with SP to the platform, that more or less curate themselves, will probably be a bigger proposition. We'll see how that goes.
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>I sometimes write an answer and push submit and nothing. I then have to copy and paste the answer again after refreshing. It can take 5 or 6 attempts to post an answer.
Try to use another browser. Maybe it will work better.