If there is technology that will have as much influence as the internet in changing people's culture in the past two decades, it is blockchain. This technology is now the motor behind the distribution of digital currencies (cryptocurrency) like Bitcoin and various other digital assets. Even in the latest developments, in May the United Nations World Food Program uses the Ethereum Blockchain to distribute 10,000 aid to Syrian refugees, followed by the next 100,000 aid to Jordan in August 2017.
Simply put, blockchain is a digital information recording technology that is duplicated and distributed among data / information owners and secured using cryptography. Like a notebook, blockchain is copied on a computer network of users who have an interest in the notebook's information. All users can open the book, and if the record is updated, all records in the network will be updated simultaneously, but the data cannot be changed to the previous version. If there is a modification of the data in it, verification is done by consensus by referring to the version of the data that is on the other computer in the network. With a decentralized verification system and cryptographic security, this technology is safe and valid by design.
Currently the application of blockchain technology is still being explored in the realm of digital letters such as digital identities, contract letters, digital voting, and decentralized notaries. But if the adaptation of this technology is widespread, it is very open to be adopted as a medium of information distribution that is public in nature, such as digital news. As an illustration, the news block is first uploaded by a journalist to the network of customers / readers. All readers have copies of the exact same information, and can contribute to updating the news. But if there is someone who tries to delete some information, this is not possible because of cryptographic equations. On the other hand, if there are people who want to change one of the news information, then automatically the changes will be detected on all other computers in the network, and will be validated by consensus according to information on other computers. Gradually, the news distribution mechanism with blockchain will open opportunities for professional journalists to collaborate with the public (citizen journalism) without reducing the validity of information. Another advantage, the existence of a system of verifying information openly and together in news networks that use blockchain, will make the spread of fake news or hoaxes impossible.
This technology is in sight. The application and verification of its security has also been going on for the past decade, becoming a digital asset exchange that is actually a sector that requires high level of security. It is only a matter of time that the application of blockchain technology will penetrate other strategic sectors, especially news. Unfortunately in Indonesia, the adoption of this technology will not be carried out by large media controlled by political authorities, because they will not want news technology that blocks the process of setting issues in the community.
But Indonesia has hope. Since the New Order era, Indonesia has several media that are closely related to its image and enthusiasm with journalism that prioritizes the accuracy and correctness of information. Now in the midst of the spread of false news due to the ease of internet users to compose and disseminate information, these media need to move forward as a media that leads trusted media trends. This step can be started by building the first online news media to adopt blockchain technology. By manipulating
If there is technology that will have as much influence as the internet in changing people's culture in the past two decades, it is blockchain. This technology is now the motor behind the distribution of digital currencies (cryptocurrency) like Bitcoin and various other digital assets. Even in the latest developments, in May the United Nations World Food Program uses the Ethereum Blockchain to distribute 10,000 aid to Syrian refugees, followed by the next 100,000 aid to Jordan in August 2017.
Simply put, blockchain is a digital information recording technology that is duplicated and distributed among data / information owners and secured using cryptography. Like a notebook, blockchain is copied on a computer network of users who have an interest in the notebook's information. All users can open the book, and if the record is updated, all records in the network will be updated simultaneously, but the data cannot be changed to the previous version. If there is a modification of the data in it, verification is done by consensus by referring to the version of the data that is on the other computer in the network. With a decentralized verification system and cryptographic security, this technology is safe and valid by design.
Currently the application of blockchain technology is still being explored in the realm of digital letters such as digital identities, contract letters, digital voting, and decentralized notaries. But if the adaptation of this technology is widespread, it is very open to be adopted as a medium of information distribution that is public in nature, such as digital news. As an illustration, the news block is first uploaded by a journalist to the network of customers / readers. All readers have copies of the exact same information, and can contribute to updating the news. But if there is someone who tries to delete some information, this is not possible because of cryptographic equations. On the other hand, if there are people who want to change one of the news information, then automatically the changes will be detected on all other computers in the network, and will be validated by consensus according to information on other computers. Gradually, the news distribution mechanism with blockchain will open opportunities for professional journalists to collaborate with the public (citizen journalism) without reducing the validity of information. Another advantage, the existence of a system of verifying information openly and together in news networks that use blockchain, will make the spread of fake news or hoaxes impossible.
This technology is in sight. The application and verification of its security has also been going on for the past decade, becoming a digital asset exchange that is actually a sector that requires high level of security. It is only a matter of time that the application of blockchain technology will penetrate other strategic sectors, especially news. Unfortunately in Indonesia, the adoption of this technology will not be carried out by large media controlled by political authorities, because they will not want news technology that blocks the process of setting issues in the community.
But Indonesia has hope. Since the New Order era, Indonesia has several media that are closely related to its image and enthusiasm with journalism that prioritizes the accuracy and correctness of information. Now in the midst of the spread of false news due to the ease of internet users to compose and disseminate information, these media need to move forward as a media that leads trusted media trends. This step can be started by building the first online news media to adopt blockchain technology. By manipulating