Friendship can be a treasure in your life. And the most important things I consider in a friendship are:
- Honestly. You should be really honest to a friend, and being honest means you are true to them and you are not being fake.
- Trust. I know a lot of friendship breaks due to trust issues, it cause complication but please trust your friend, no one will feel happy when someone will doubt them. And as a friend treasure the trust he/she gave you. Because no matter which angle we look, trust is a very big deal. And when trust is there, reliance follows. We rely to our friend because we trust them, right?
- Respect. We all have differences, we may have different belief in a certain thing but never degrade each others belief. Respect what your friend thinks, you may not agree to it but friendship doesn't always mean you should be following each other's opinion. Your views may be different but respect should always be there.