Money, good looks, sense of humour, continental car, uptown property, luxury yacht, pedigree dogs, designer watches, country club memberships, fine dining cuisine, political power and of course, a humongous dong
This much i learned from a painful lifetime of rejection, scorn and disdain 😾
Let me start by saying not all women are thesame and we cannot just use the likes of most to generalize the answer. I believe there are still a good number of women out there who will go for what really matters. But answering your question in relation to most women of this century, i must say their list of wants in man is a long one to be sincere...
Most women nowadays will want a man with features like a financially stable man, good looking with a good sense of humour, let's not forget a romantic man, muscular with abs,sociable, Good job, loving, committed, faithful etc. Sometimes the man they want seem almost too perfect and impossible to have.
Notwithstanding, like i said earlier, there are still women out there that just want a man that will truly love them and they will be satisfied with that.
So i will say there are different kinds of women and they all will want different things in a man.
Money, good looks, sense of humour, continental car, uptown property, luxury yacht, pedigree dogs, designer watches, country club memberships, fine dining cuisine, political power and of course, a humongous dong
This much i learned from a painful lifetime of rejection, scorn and disdain 😾
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Let me start by saying not all women are thesame and we cannot just use the likes of most to generalize the answer. I believe there are still a good number of women out there who will go for what really matters. But answering your question in relation to most women of this century, i must say their list of wants in man is a long one to be sincere...
Most women nowadays will want a man with features like a financially stable man, good looking with a good sense of humour, let's not forget a romantic man, muscular with abs,sociable, Good job, loving, committed, faithful etc. Sometimes the man they want seem almost too perfect and impossible to have.
Notwithstanding, like i said earlier, there are still women out there that just want a man that will truly love them and they will be satisfied with that.
So i will say there are different kinds of women and they all will want different things in a man.
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His wallet.