
Define safer.  If safer means protecting you from being data mined and your personal information sold then yes, it is safer! In the case of malicious attacks its the same as Google, or any other browser but, what separates DuckDuckGo from others is that it doesn't track you while you browse. Unlike other popular search engines, especially Google, that collect, store and sell its users private information,   Duckduckgo protects your privacy against the global mass surveillance. 

 DuckDuckGo describes itself as "the search engine that doesn't track you". They promise  not to use cookies to follow its users and say that they don't collect any of our personal information. Even your IP address is hidden when you use DuckDuckGo.

This depends on your definition of safe. 

In terms of your computer being anymore safe from malicious attacks than it already is, would not be dependent solely on your search engine. Really, your search engine offers barely any protection at all against malicious attacks. 

In terms of tracking, duckduckgo should offer you the most protection in this sense. 

If anonymity is your goal, you will need to do more than just use duckduckgo. Google Chrome stores every page you visit, (unless in incognito mode I believe, and I wouldn't be foolish enough to believe it's true incognito). Your searches will all be saved in your browsing history. This isn't privacy oriented IMO. 

So, if by safe you mean anon, you're definitely going to need to do some research, use a browser such as firefox, and start reading about browser config, because you will need to change a few settings ;)

Hope this answer helps!