
I don't know if anyone knows for sure, outside of Musing founder jonching. The last public update I'm aware of he gave was in the general area of the Musing Discord channel on January 26. This is what he said:

"Sorry for the lack of updates. I know a lot of you guys put your hearts into Musing, so I understand the frustration. At least for now, it doesn't seem like we'll get the delegation back. To be honest, it's not a sustainable model and I'm pretty sure you guys can see that as well. Another problem with that was that I was paying curators out of pocket with the last of my savings, which is why for the last 2 weeks, we haven't been curating, because it's just not worth it right now.

I can provide more info. later, but I can say that when the time comes that we can launch our own token, it will have solved all these issues. We keep track of our users' reputations in the database. I can't say for sure what the future is, but when there's an opportunity to launch a token, everyone who made contributions will be compensated on the new platform."

From that I take it Musing will not be actively seeking to get major delegation, nor do much if any upvoting on any questions or answers that continue to appear on the platform. Nor does it look like they will seeking for any form of beneficiary funding as other dApps have done.

Rather, they will wait until such time they are able to create their own token and go from there. When that will be, and who else that might be dependent on doing something (like Steemit Inc and SMTs, or some other community-based developer doing something, like STEEM Engine), one's guess is as good as mine.