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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

No there is no justification for that. Two wrongs don't make a right and just because you're doing it for the right reasons doesn't make it right in any way.

If you steal from from someone to give to another person then you've only succeeded in making one person poorer and another person richer. Stealing on its own is a vile act which deprives a human being of something that belongs to them, something they may have worked hard for, something that they may treasure so irrespective of the reason I can't support this.

In my country Nigeria, corruption is rampant and it's common belief that every government official steals money. I imagine that these officials justify their theft by telling themselves that they have mouths to feed, kids to send to school and so on, and to them what they're doing is ok, but we all know it's not. It's exactly the same if you deprive someone of their money because you feel there's someone else that needs it more.

Stealing is wrong and cruel, you never know what a person is going through or what they've planned to do with their money, no matter the circumstance, you have no right to steal money from anyone.