Armed robberies can be pretty scary, trust me I've witnessed it before, in my experience, here's a list of does and don'ts that you should strictly adhere to.
1. DO only what he/she tells you to do, do it quickly and smartly so as to not aggravate the armed robber.
2. DONT move unless told to, if you got to pee then hold it or piss on yourself.
3. DONT have a discussion with the robber, speak only when you are spoken to.
4. DO not look them in the eye. This sounds weird but if you happen to know them from somewhere and they figure that out then you're as good as dead.
5. DONT deny him what he wants. Life is precious, a phone, a bag, a car, money, they can all be replaced, your life can't.
6. DONT try to chase him, I lost a friend who tried to trail to robbers who just took his phone. Note the direction that they followed and leave it at that.
7. Take note of everything you can about the robber, if you can get a good look at their face without them noticing then do it, but I'll advice against that. Take note of their height, stature, race, sex etc.
I hope you never find yourself in any situation where you have to call to memory what I've written above.