
I think it also depends on the country you are in and it's culture.

I tend to believe that American girls like guys with a bad boy image more than the girls and women in the Philippines (I.e. If there were statistics for it).

I was born and raised in the United States but moved to the Philippines in 2009, got married to @emaferice and we have been married ever since 😊

Indeed. The society also plays its part. Maybe you should ask her what she thinks... Let's know for sure.

I asked @emaferice about this years ago.

She told me that in High School and College (in the Philippines) girls were mainly attracted to smart boys who performed well in school. They also liked boys and men who were neat and clean including their teeth and nails.

Their reasoning for all of that is that they'd likely have a good future with that boy if they got married.

It sounds much different from the rugged bad boy image that might be popular in the big cities of America.

Another difference is that love music from the U.S.A.'s 1980's is one of the most popular genres of music here. That is also a lot different from America's Hip Hop industry and the music based on drugs, alcohol, sex and crime

Wow. That's nice. We can therefore conclude that it's dependent on the society, that's an important insight. Thanks.

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Actually, I am talking that the guy is honest and genuine towards that girl. He is really shows himself what he is no so off or anything dual nature.

Maybe dishonest and complex girls like dishonest and complex men?

Not everyone dislikes honest and simple guys, and based on my experience in the United States and the Philippines, it seems like it's a bigger epidemic in the United States than the Philippines.