Funny enough I don't
Some of my best rewards have come from the shorter answers. These have usually been humourous in nature so I am believe I am being rewarded for making the curators laugh.
Perhaps bonus points if I can make milk or coke shoot out their nose. Or perhaps not if they have to clean it up.
Some VERY long very detailed answers I have given have received no votes at all. Even though I believed they were dead on and as perfect an answer as I could craft. I don't think word count has anything to do with it.
In fact I am inclined to believe the shorter, more concise a post is the better the possibility of receiving an upvote. These people have HUNDREDS of answers to look at each round, it must get tiring to read novels each time. If an answer is short, but is a quality answer, I believe that will get the vote and allow them to move on to the next batch of answers.
As musing grows and evolves it will be interesting to see what happens. Far too many answers and not enough people or people burning out is one of my major concerns for the staff here.