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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

Honestly the best way for this to happen is for man to realize they are not the pinnacle of everything in the universe.

Once intelligent life has been discovered, contacted and interacted with elsewhere besides our insignificant little planet, humanity will be forced to realize there is more out there than some singular religion.

Only once we truly realize and accept we are not God's ultimate (and only) creation will we get this nonsense out of our heads. 

Religion is THE singular most dividing and polarizing force we have on this planet. More wars, more death, and more pain has been caused in the name of religion than in all other acts of racism, politics, sexism etc. combined

When mankind realizes we are truly one then and only then can we begin to put aside religion as a divisive force and realize that in the universe it is our humanity that matters, not which god or religion we worship