Science by itself has never done harm.
It is the manner in which humans USE the knowledge/inventions that does the harm.
Knowledge by itself, is neither good nor evil, it is simply knowledge.
For every scientific breakthrough or discovery there is always a positive and negative side to how it can be used and one thing mankind is very good at is find the negative, detrimental side.
Even on a military spectrum, consider how most inventions were meant or initially touted as "defensive" breakthroughs. Oh no, we won't use this as a means to make war or subjugate other countries, only to defend ourselves from those wishing to do us harm
.....3 years later.....
Hey if we modify this component and change this over here, we can attack them first and they will never know what hit them.
*** Initial Scientist who created the benign version ***
So no, I do not believe science has done more harm than good.
I do believe humans armed with that scientific knowledge have