Hey thanks, @runicar! So, in my case, logging out and logging back in did it. Any idea what causes that? Some OAUTH funkiness I presume. I recall way back when I was studying how to get SC to work that some tokens can be configured with an expiration so I'm thinking while I was writing the description, mine may have expired. Not really sure but thanks for the tips!
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Hey thanks, @runicar! So, in my case, logging out and logging back in did it. Any idea what causes that? Some OAUTH funkiness I presume. I recall way back when I was studying how to get SC to work that some tokens can be configured with an expiration so I'm thinking while I was writing the description, mine may have expired. Not really sure but thanks for the tips!
That's strange. Tbh I have no clue why that helped or what was causing issues before if it posted without issues later on after the re-log
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Of course! Why I didn't think of that!😂
TIL [Avada Kedavra](https://www.pottermore.com/explore-the-story/killing-curse) and [Wingar](http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Levitation_Charm).
On another note. What spell do I use to edit a comment on Musing?
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