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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

I don't really like the fact that I have to always login to steemconnect to connect to my favorite sites. For instance, having to login every day - sometimes every hour - to musing is irksome. Like, there ought to be a recognition system, like when you've logged into an account before and there's the option to save for future purposes. Wouldn't that be nice. The process can get really annoying at times. I wish something could be done about that.

Another thing I'd like to see invented are e-readers with inbuilt dictionaries. Like, you just highlight - or long press - an unknown word and the definition just shows up. Having to minimize an application to go check the dictionary is counter-productive, it disturbs the flow. I really don't know if any such application exists already. I'll glad to have one like that.

Also, I'd like see self-cleaning products like electronics. This may make me seem lazy but it just doesn't feel right to me to have to to move always remember to clean the ceiling fans after a while, or other products for that matter. I wish there could be a mechanism that prevents gathering of dust or, at least, does the cleaning itself.

Lastly, but by no means the least of them, I'd like for an application to be built that counts the number of words, and read aloud as I type. It could done after I've typed to an extent and stop. Another way it could work is allowing the user to set a benchmark so that the application screams out when that figure is reached. Would you like that too?

Those are mine. I'll definitely like to read what others prefer.

Thanks for