
It's worth it if you are publishing regularly and have an application or something for which you will publish posts regularly. Also, you should be aware that Musing doesn't allow all content.

Some disturbing content may get censored which you should take into consideration. Medium recently got a lot of criticism for censorship.

You might consider using as an alternative to medium. They are a open source publishing platform you can set up yourself in your own server.

Thanks for the input. but Medium Partner program and Medium membership is 2 separate things.

I have the intention of getting into the Medium Partner's program when my writing style and discipline gets more polished.

I guess just a way to reward content creator on medium platform (Based on claps given or something like that). IDK there is anything else that you can get except maybe an early access to an article.

There are articles now that you can only read if you are a paid member. I've tried reading some of them through tor and holy shot those are 10x better than the regular ones.

even my favourite writers are starting to post more and more of their stuff that only paid member can access. It's frustrating.