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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🐮

in #musing-threads7 years ago (edited)

There is no 'right' and there is no 'wrong'; we are sovereign mistresses and masters of our destiny and as such are able and entitled to end our physical existence should we wish it.

However, there are consequences that are inescapable and which make the act of suicide utterly unattractive.

I have chosen my life and the basic set of experiences that I encounter through situations throughout. I have done this in order to learn from experience and to grow. Growth takes place once I have understood my experiences and assimilated their lessons. This life is but one of many, akin to taking different classes at a school or university, life after life continually expanding and growing.

However, bailing out early through an act of suicide simply means that I will have to return and repeat some of the experiences in order to learn from them, rather than run away. It is this awareness of consequence that makes suicide such an unattractive prospect. Everything passes, everything changes, as will the suicidal state of mind. Dawn after all, comes immediately after the darkest part of the night!