
In a general way, there are many elements that prepare one person to neglect or increasingly do not want to marry. career is one of them.

However, if the reason is the feeling of anxiety about trauma may be the reason. able to be that person grows great in a broken home. could still have inherited a failure in marriage early in the beginning The delays of many of them did not want to find a transport as well as a man or a father, able to be another subject.

Because the responsibility of marriage is not as simple as again dignified which is a child and being single. when married hidden two great nations married. compiling two tanjak with the history of the views of tens of lives of each is not easy to need sacrifice.

But there are others who suspect to agree on the average person who is anxious to promise this plus have their reasons, probably because it had a chapter with the group so that he was anxious when the escalator dwelling that would be built would be "destroyed" just like his family, or ever has a friend who is exploited in a stairwell so that he is anxious that similar aspects may take place in his life later in the general way, the things he fears are caused by the real cases he has witnessed/experienced.

  1. Not content to have fun
    The environment also contributes greatly to a person's decision to marry. When you are surrounded by friends who are single and they enjoy the freedom of their lives, then you can feel the same. So, marriage is no longer important to you.

  2. Fear of marriage is destructive
    One of the most obvious fears when asked about marriage is, divorce. People cringe at the thought of divorce and all the emotions of trauma, the legality, and the complexity of the problems left behind. They feel unsure if all things will work well in the future.

Fear of violence after marriage
We often hear people say that the true nature of a person begins to emerge after they get married. This is one of the main reasons why some people choose not to marry simply out of fear of seeing their friends or family who are experiencing domestic violence. They are too afraid that one of them turns his temper so badly that he tortures his partner. and Fear of boring each other
One of the most common fears when thinking about marriage is the fear of boredom. Committing a lifetime to spending time with just one person can be a very difficult thing to run. Since you can not predict the future, you will never know for sure if you are still able to love your partner 10 years into the future.

Fear of not being able to make ends meet
If a person feels financially unstable then thinking about marriage is a daunting thing. Someone is afraid of housekeeping because he continues to see the needs and the cost of living is increasing, so feel uncertain about whether to defend a family with uncertain income.

Because "marriage" or "relationships" in general are all based on human emotions which changes easily.

Unlike relationships, marriage is legally binding and holds value in court. You can not just simply walk out of a marriage without having some consequences or troubles in return. That is why, people are more picky and testy on their partners. I personally don't think that they are not scared, more like they are trying to find a person that will be worth it to suffer the pain.

I think a lot of people secretly regret getting married young.

They are often happy with the person they are with. But they do have this other side that longs for what could have been.

I'll be honest, there are a few couples I feel bad for because I know they have these feelings.

They locked in at a young age with someone. They have never “been with” anyone else. And meanwhile they are spending their 20's and 30's surrounded by people that are partying like drunken sailors.

I get it.

In a country with a 50% divorce rate, the prospect of spending all your young years in a marriage that later implodes is a natural fear.

In fact there are many things that cause someone to fear to enter into a marriage relationship.
The first one, feeling unstable in the career. Because of the unclear income earned in every month, this causes a person to fear marriage. because he feels he has not been able to provide a decent living for his future partner.
The second one, not yet home. This becomes a second important factor, which causes a person to fear marriage. He was afraid of not being able to provide a decent home for his future partner.

Most people are afraid of marriage because they have not been able to economically. They have no income, they are afraid of not being able to support the family. There are some cases people are afraid of marriage because of the trauma of seeing their parents quarreling often. There was fear, he was afraid of going through an incident like a parent's family.

Honestly, the biggest horror for me is the responsibility and my privacy. I don't like to be around people for a long time. I am a train wreck when it comes to responsibility and so I don't wanna wreck someone else's life by sharing my own wreckage with them.