Okay, first we need the be hosnest about the issue. Most of the time it women who iniciate the divorce. So now we know who. Now why do they do it ?! There is no negative reaction from it, more of a positive reaction. Why did they break up they ask, they say that the men did something or wasn't enough, so socialy there is no negative. Courts most of the time side with the women, so there isn't also any negative. As a resuot from al this, women don't take merriage serious and see it as a always win game that if it doesn't goes how she wants it, they could just stop it and other people will take the fall while she takes her winnings.
Now how do we stop this reaction, ... well, to make it simple, make the one who iniciate divorce liable, don't make it a game and make sure that getting out is hard enough so that they have to triple think about it before they both say yes.