I knew it! It did exist. But its sad knowing its still unavailable. Its one of the reason why my dad listed me here. Thanks for the info.
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I knew it! It did exist. But its sad knowing its still unavailable. Its one of the reason why my dad listed me here. Thanks for the info.
You're welcome, @cairi.
My guess is, someone, somewhere, will come up with a way of doing it. It might take a while, who knows, but if Amazon and self-publishing is any indication as to the number of authors out there still writing book-length, manuscripts, it's in demand, and because it is, someone will find a way to make it work on the blockchain. If I had any coding skills whatsoever, I'd give it a try, simply because I'd want to use it.
In the meantime, though, there's other ways to let our creativity flow. :)