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RE: Musing Posts 1

in #musing-threads7 years ago

Fame is one of the things many people on earth

really love to have,fame comes with alot of excitement,it comes with so much popularity,it

comes with alot of opportunities,it comes with alot of respect especially when the person is famous

for the best reasons,fame comes with power too depending on the sector at which the person is

famous for,fame comes with higher responsibilities and demands from several people

who admire you or look up to you...because there are very good things attached to fame is the

reason why it is not unusual to see many people to really start to become desperate to become

very famous,loving the idea of being famous is not

a bad thinking but being desperate to become famous is what is bad,it is bad because such

desperation could lead the person to do the very wrong things just to get that fame which they

desire and along the process of trying to do that they might do the things that might make them

famous for the wrong reasons and when they become famous for the wrong reasons could

even make the fame itself to become a shame to the person...