Yeah we have different types of people in the
cryptocurrency business,some people are just
optimistic types that do the business without no analysis,they just do the business without any
form of analysis to back up their trading decisions when doing the cryptocurrency business,all they
just do is buy and just remain optimistic that the price of the cryptocurrency will rise and they just
keep their fingers crossed...another type of people
in the cryptocurrency business are the ones that
they are good at creating analysis on the
cryptocurrency market,they are good at making good trading decisions but they do not have
enough capital to invest in other to make huge amount of money from the cryptos which they
invested on,...another type of group of people in this cryptocurrency business is the ones that have
people who help them to manage their cryptocurrency portfolios,these set of people do
not have any idea about the market neither do
they know how the investment manager is managing their investment on the cryptocurrency
market,all they just want is to hear and collect
profits on their investment,these set of people usually set target for the investment manager..