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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Simply put, the majors difference between Liberal and conservative is that they both lie on the opposite end of the political spectrum. They both have completely different belief and opposing views on the states progress, society's structures and the role of government.

Conservative believe that progress should be controlled or blocked as the case may be while liberals are open to progress almost in all areas of life.

Looking at some societal issues they both have different view on them. For example

Liberals believe that government should control the health care system while conservative believe it should be privatised .there should be no interference of the government in the health care service.

Liberals support marriages of same sex because they believe everyone should have the right to marry anyone the love irrespective of the gender. While conservative believe that same sex marriage is sinful .they respect traditions and religious values and believe in only opposite sex marriage.

Liberals have a strong notion against capital punishment as they claim that there are possibilities of killing innocent people in the brutal judgement while conservative believe that death penalty is the best for grievous crimes.

Liberals believe the government should regulate the economic system of the nation while conservative believes otherwise.

Liberals support abortion because they believe women owns their body and can do whatsoever pleases them with it while conservative takes such act to be sinful.they believe its an act of murder and should not be encouraged.

Looking at the believes of both liberal and conservative, it can be easily deduced that

Liberal want the government to be involved in the affair of people by giving equal opportunity and equality. They want complete human right on how anyone choose to live their lives.Civil liberties and progress.they are less concerned about religion and tradition in running the affair of the nation.They really want to change the perspective of what has been on ground for a long time.

Conservative want the society to control their own affairs so there is this limited involvement of government in their affairs. free market is what they believe could improve the society. They take to high esteem traditional and religious values.


Both ideology lies at opposite end. The have different view on things that are very important in the society. Conservative still want to keep maintaining the right structure that has been existing and they also put traditional and religious value into consideration but liberal sees their style as being stagnant. They believe in moving forward and they came up with an opposite idea which they believe would bring about progress in the society. This ideologies is what we have in our political systems now and it is somehow difficult trace pure liberal and pure conservative party because of the complexity of our modern society.