How do you keep the feelings of your friends who are single?
Singles are not because they have not found the right one, but because of a choice. We as good friends should guard the feelings of people around us. Then, how do you keep the feelings of your friends who are single?
This is a technical question and I looked at it for minutes thinking of what answer I would give. I am a single lady and I have married friends and so I will advise you based on what and how I expect my friends to protect my feelings.
It is never easy having your friends get into a relationship while you are left in the patch wondering how come love never knocks on your door or why you ain't lucky with love. When our friends get Into relationships it is never the same. Somethings change because now they are a couple and can't do some of the things you used to go to do together.
You must understand that being in a relationship doesnt make you any better than your girlfriend who is not and doesn't make you any more knowledgeable on the subject of relationship. Do not make your single friend feel something is wrong with them for being single. Avoid making it a topic whenever you call or visit her. She knows she is single, don't rub it off on her face.
Don't assume that what your girlfriend want so badly is a relationship and then go off saying statements like "I don't know why you are you still single but I will keep praying for you". Why not pray for her to land a good job or get a degree. That you are married doesn't mean that she should marry also immediately.
Whenever you are talking with your friend, watch the number of times you talk about your spouse. Yes you are in love and want to shout it on the roof top but you must understand that your friend may not be Willing to listen to how amazing your sex life is or how he spoils you with gifts. Why it may be okay to talk about him, pleas make sure it is done occasionally not often.
Stop pressing to know if they are dating or who they are dating. It is frustrating. Of they have any information to share with you they would do it at their own time and free will. Don't go trying to match make them without their consent. Respect their feelings and situation. It hurts to know that your friends think you are a failure because you are not married or dating,
Don't go assuming that because they are not married or with kids then they are always available to run errands for you which you can't using husband and kids as an excuse. They are only single and not jobless.
If you consider your friends feeling before doing something's, it will help foster your relation ship. Respect her boundaries and you would be find.