I can't remember as there were so many.
When you are looking for a job and you are unemployed it is harder to get a job than when you are employed. You don't have the added pressure of having to land the job.
The more pressure you put on your self the more desperate you are and it may come across in the interview. Subconsciously you maybe pushing too hard.
The majority of the ones I have been to and not made the cut is when I am already employed. I would suggest that I may have attended 20 or 25 over the last 20 years and on some of them had made up my mind that the job wasn't for me.
When you are looking for a job you are looking to improve your career path and earnings. Sometimes they don't fall into place and it is not the end of the world.
Don't get down if you are job hunting we have all been there and it takes time. There will be a job for you that matches what you are looking for. Sometimes it is best to find a job that isn't great but you are employed. An employer will look at you differently as he won't be saying to himself/herself what is wrong with you.
Good luck and I hope you land a job soon.