
1. Unhealthy habits Skin health is strongly influenced by daily living habits. Bad habits such as smoking, drinking coffee and alcohol, stress, to lack of sleep, will make the skin drier. Dry skin is one of the markers of premature aging, because in the productive age human skin actually still has a good texture. But these bad habits make the skin cells become damaged, and the skin becomes drier, because the skin is unable to capture and retain water in the skin layer.

2. Environmental environmental effects can also have a bad influence on your skin. For example, too often in air-conditioned rooms, dirty air, pollution, to solar radiation. "But the most 'evil' is radiation.

3. Age The process of aging or aging will begin in the 20s, but the skin will still be able to balance and inhibit this aging process. The skin will reduce its ability to produce new skin cells when it is over the age of 30 years.

4. Genetic "In the case of premature aging, there are also people who experience this problem because of heredity," he said. The "aging" gene carried in a person will allow him to grow old before his time. Conversely, there are those who have heredity to look youthful.

5. Physical and health conditions Skin is one of the physical markers that stand out when the body experiences health problems. "When the body is sick, the effect will immediately be seen on the skin, for example, become dull and not radiant," said Eddi. If the skin is not treated properly after experiencing pain, the skin will become more problematic and damaged.

6. Self-care Although you will experience skin aging problems, but to reduce the impact of damage prematurely, you need to do treatment early. "Proper self-care according to skin needs will make the skin healthy and beautiful.

cause of a guideline on the human body

Exposure to sunlight without protection

Ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted from the sun can damage the elastic tissue of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes easily wrinkled prematurely. Not only that, often exposed to sunlight can also trigger the production of brown-colored aging spots on the face, hands, and other areas of the body that are often exposed to sunlight.

In addition to premature aging, sunlight can make the skin black and increase the risk of skin cancer.

In order to avoid the danger of sunlight, you can use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF level of 15 every time before activities outdoors. It is advisable to wear it from 11.00 to 15.00, either in hot or cloudy weather.

You can get more protection by combining sunscreen with other skin protectors, such as wide-brimmed hats, umbrellas, sunglasses, or loose clothing that covers the skin.


Not only does it have a negative impact on health, smoking can also affect your appearance. Smokers experience premature aging because of damage to body tissues by toxic substances in cigarettes, and blood circulation to the face. This will accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and make it look clearer, and the facial tone becomes dull.

So, if you want to stay young longer, stop smoking.

Eating excessive alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages are proven to cause premature aging of the skin. This is not much different from the effects of smoking, which is due to damage to skin tissue due to the effects of free radicals. This effect will be more quickly seen if you are often exposed to UV light, excessive stress, and not maintaining a good diet.

In addition, alcohol can also reduce levels of vitamin A, vitamin B3, and vitamin C, in the body. These three vitamins are antioxidants that are important for regenerating new cells.

In addition to avoiding premature aging of the skin, stopping the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages also aims to avoid the negative effects on the body.

Bad diet

Diet also affects the condition of your skin. Foods with poor nutrition can cause premature aging. One mechanism is to cause chronic inflammation in the body, for example by the trans fats contained in your food. Some examples of foods that can trigger premature aging are refined carbohydrates (eg bread or pasta), and foods that contain too much sugar. Both types of food can damage collagen in the skin.

Other types of food that should be limited include fried foods, sweet cakes, fast food, and fatty meats. Conversely, multiply the consumption of antioxidant-rich foods. Antioxidants are found in nuts, wine, various berries, broccoli, carrots, green tea and whole grains.

Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality not only adversely affects health, but can also lead to premature aging of the skin. Research shows that people who have chronic sleep disorders are more at risk of developing skin disorders, including premature aging. Sleep deprivation can affect a person's appearance so it looks less fresh.