
Firstly, depression can not really be treated. Not real, neurological depression. People who suffer from this have a different brain chemistry than others, and it can be impossible for others to understand that our brains simply will not allow themselves to become "fixed". Sure, there are pills; but those are just evil and I would never suggest someone with psychological issues to go down that path; having been down it myself. From a personal standpoint, the only real treatment is to surround yourself with caring people and try your hardest to ignore the part of your brain telling you to die. From the opposite standpoint, I think empathy is the best help you can give someone suffering from depression. 

"Let me know if you need anything" or "if you want to talk" are very nice statements and gestures. But they do not do much for those of us battling this illness. We're aware that there are suicide hotlines, depression phone lines, psychiatrists, therapists; but talking isn't what helps. Instead, a more appropriate way to help your friends would be to just be around them. Go hang out with them. Invite them to do whatever you're doing. *Involve* them and give them distractions from their own worst enemy; their own brain. 

In terms of signs and symptoms; that's a tricky one. There are a lot of people who suffer from depression that may never open up about it. It's rare, but it does happen. I think a good tool is to look for the signs and symptoms yourself on your friends' faces. You can pick up a lot from facial features and body language; if your friend seems like they have a lot on their mind, withdrawing themselves from conversation at random points and changing general facial expressions when doing so.. they might be depressed. And they might not. But it doesn't hurt to ask. 

Having suffered from depression for a long time and having witnessed many friends go through it, and seeing all the possible outcomes, it's a topic very important to me. If you'd like to discuss it more please let me know. 
