Have you ever stopped to think what would become of us without plants? A lot of things that we use every day come from plants: paper, cotton, linen, coffee, tea, chocolate, many medicinal components, cooking oil, spices and of course food! Thanks to plants we have books, notebooks, sheets on which we write letters, on which we draw pictures; thanks to plants we dress and protect ourselves from the cold and the sun, thanks to them we can cure many diseases and control many symptoms, and of course, thanks to them we eat. It is also true for people who think they eat few plants, because even the most processed food products contain at least some corn, wheat or soy, and even meat, to get to a dish, had to be cow (or chicken, or fish, or pig or whatever) and had to feed on plants.
Am I forgetting something? Oh, right... they also make oxygen. To plants we owe nothing more and nothing less than the air we breathe.
If I still haven't convinced them how good company plants are, here's a list of advantages:
They are beautiful, and give life to even the most boring places.
They are living beings that require really simple care, and that make us learn to see the enormous diversity of life manifestations that nature has.
They're a good way to prepare to take on bigger responsibilities, like adopting a companion animal.
They are small universes. Depending on the bushes you have, you will see that ants, bees, lizards visit it; other plants are born in the earth, fungi grow, etc.
By taking care of them, one learns to enjoy things that for other people can be insignificant. I, for example, enjoy pouring water on them with an atomizer while I imagine how happy they get... like when you're very hot and there's some breeze.
They make oxygen. I said it, but it's so important and so basic that you definitely have to repeat it.
About that last point: as you know (maybe you remember it from the biology classes at school), the oxygen cycle in plants depends on photosynthesis. By day, taking advantage of sunlight, plants "eat" carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen, thus cleaning the air. At night, like us, they "breathe" oxygen and generate carbon dioxide.
There is a popular belief that it is bad to sleep with plants in the room or have many in the house because they steal our oxygen at night. If that were true, we wouldn't be able to sleep in the same room with another person either, because in fact humans consume much more oxygen than plants do at night. So if you took the math out of the piece because they steal your oxygen, you have to take out the boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband as well. Also, if that were true, all the animals that live in jungles or forests would die asphyxiated or poisoned with CO2... when the truth is that they have much healthier lungs than ours.
Man believes that plants don't move or feel because he doesn't take enough time to observe them".
- Raoul Francé